Maritime Services

At PR LAWYERS we have strategic allies for the provision of services related to the maritime sector.   We offer our clients a solid structure, with specialized legal advice and management, always seeking the best benefit and protection of their interests.

Our catalog of services aimed at the maritime sector includes:

  • Registration and flagging of ships (recreational, commercial vessels, etc.)
  • Obtaining a navigation patent
  • Obtaining radio licenses for ships
  • Purchase/sale and financing of ships
  • Contract for the carriage of goods by water routes
  • Charter contract
  • Contracts for Multimodal transport
  • Contracts for the carriage of passengers by water
  • Towing contract.  
  • Maritime insurance contract.  
  • Risks, damages and maritime accidents.  
  • Boarding ships.  
  • General Average
  • Maritime Credit (and respective privileges)
  • Naval Mortgage
  • Registration of property titles and naval mortgages
  • Maritime Port Industies and Auxiliaries

Maritime Litigation

  • Ordinary procedure
  • Boarding Procedures
  • procedures of Limitation of Responsibility of the Shipowner.  
  • Procedures for the execution of privileged credits.  
  • Special procedure of bankruptcy of privileged creditors.  
  • Abbreviated procedure.  
  • Naval Mortgage Execution Process.    
  • Auction and judicial sale.   
  • General Seizure
  • Seizure of property for the execution of privileged maritime credits.
  • Conservation or General Protection Measures
Maritime Services

Our strategic allies have participated in the elaboration of bills in the maritime field, which are current laws of the Republic of Panama and are active members of the most important maritime guilds and events in the country.

At PR LAWYERS we understand our clients and we ensure that they receive comprehensive attention, becoming their allies in this sector.